Showing posts with label Wellness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wellness. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2024

Season’s Greetings – How To Make your Dreams Come True

how to make your dreams come true

During challenging times, stumbling across something inspirational can be a blessing. 

It not only keeps you going but also encourages you to aim higher than you thought possible. 

Often, the simplest piece of advice can make everything fall into place and guide you in the right direction.

When I came across this quote back in December 2014, it changed my perspective on a difficut situation I was trying to resolve. 

✨The time around the Winter Solstice is about new beginnings, rebirth, vitality, illumination, enlightenment, and revelations✨

Now is the perfect time to focus on making your dreams come true and truly make it happen.

But where do you start? 

Well, “ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your life around your answer"

Change can be overwhelming, but to avoid stagnation, it is sometimes necessary to face your fears and recognize your reasons for reluctance to move forward.

Journaling can help, not only to formulate your goals but also to take a step-by-step approach to get to where you want to be. 

Instead of using a blank journal, you could try a guided journaling workbook to help you focus. 

Check out the Tarot Moon Journal, a gift that will last a whole year, and perhaps even longer, depending on how you use it to transform your life.

In the meantime, I wish you a blessed holiday season full of joy, healing, and peace. May you have the courage to make your dreams come trueπŸ’š

Warmest wishes,

Christiane ⭐πŸŽ„πŸŒˆ

🌞Check out the Solstice Divination Game🌞

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Celebrate The Little Things

celebrate the little things nine of cups

Back in April 2021, after the Covid pandemic had wreaked havoc globally for the past twelve months, we learned that sometimes all we can do is surrender and accept what we cannot control.

And it has taught us so much more. Humans have always managed to rise from destruction and disaster.

While we are still trying to process our trauma and losses, light is also shining through the cracks. 

Here are some lessons many of us learned from the pandemic:

  • Enjoying our own company
  • Being inventive and resourceful
  • Collaborating with others
  • Serving our communities
  • Practicing discipline
  • Cooking and even growing our own food
  • Becoming aware of our strengths and weaknesses
  • Realizing what we truly value and what is unimportant
  • Understanding the vulnerability of our way of life

What lessons have you learned from the pandemic, and how do they continue to impact you today? 

Take a moment each day to recognize and acknowledge your achievements, a-ha moments, little wins, insights, flashes of delight, and the peace and beauty of a moment.

Celebrate the little things that bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction.

Even amidst doubt and uncertainty, there is always a reason to celebrate something, no matter how small, even if we have to celebrate alone. 

Warmest wishes,

Christiane πŸ¦„

Friday, November 22, 2024

Practicing Gratitude With The Tarot

thanksgiving gratitude

Thanksgiving Day in the US serves as a gentle reminder for everyone around the world to pause and consciously appreciate all the goodness in our lives.

But why limit practicing gratitude to just one day? Cultivating a habit of appreciation can significantly improve your mental health.

If you're struggling to find things to be grateful for right now, you're not alone.

Life can be tough—relationship breakups, unemployment, poverty, illness, bereavement... It's easy to become cynical in such situations. I get it.

A time of year so devoted to being grateful for what we have can also painfully highlight what we lack or have lost.

But here's an invitation: be open to gratitude.

Expressing appreciation for even the simplest things that go right in your life can help shift your perception to a higher vibrational level.

And why not use the Tarot to help you along?

You can approach practicing gratitude with the Tarot in two ways:

1. Go through the whole deck and choose one thing for each card you are grateful for.

2. Or just pick a few cards at random to explore what you can be grateful for at this moment in time.


cosmic faery tarot deck

Wheel of Fortune – grateful for those lucky turn of events in my favour

Three of Pentacles – grateful for all the experience gained from working with fantastic people

King of Swords
– grateful for having stopped all the emotional drama in my life once and for all

The Moon – grateful for the magic, mystery and imagination in my life

Two of Wands
– grateful for new opportunities I’m excited about

Remember to make a note of them all in your journal (check out the Tarot Moon Journal).

Why not giving this gratitude tarot exploration a try and raise your vibes today.

Pick as many cards as you like, and perhaps you will even enjoy drawing a daily card to express your gratitude for something (or someone!) good in your life right now.

Special journaling prompt:

What can I be grateful for in my life that money can’t buy?

cosmic journaling oracle gratitude

Discover your hidden blessings with the Tarot!

Warmet wishes,


Saturday, November 16, 2024

I Am Not What Happened To Me…

I am not what happened to me, tarot card magician

I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become – one of the many life lessons the Tarot has taught me over the years.

There is much beyond our control, but we can choose how we react to what life throws at us.

Rejections, breakups, abuse, loss, or simply just the crazy world we're living in….

Once you become aware of how your life experiences have influenced and affected you, you have the power to choose what kind of person you want to be, and what kind of life you want to live.

You even have the power to choose how you want to feel.

You have the power to choose a new direction, being different, and cultivate kindness and joy.

You have the power to choose change, forgiveness, healing.

You have the power to choose living in alignment with your talents, needs, values and resources.

✨Be your own magical influencer✨

It is never too late to make that choice.

What are you choosing today?

Live more Magic with the Tarot

Warmest wishes,
