Monday, December 16, 2024

The Four Elements in the Tarot

the four elements in the tarot

In the Western Mystery Traditions, the four primary elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are fundamental components that have been integral to occult sciences such as Tarot, Astrology, Magick, and Alchemy for over two thousand years.

The Greek philosopher Empedocles of Acragas (495—435 B.C.) developed the theory that the four elements were the basis for all life on earth and everything in existence. 

This theory was later endorsed and supported by Aristotle.

Since then, scientists and philosophers have studied and investigated the meaning and attributes of the four elements, their influence on our world, and their interactions with each other. 

Gradually, the four elements were incorporated into the Tarot, enriching the practice with their symbolic meanings.

To gain a deeper understanding of the Tarot, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the four elements in the Tarot.

Click on the links to learn more:


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