To mark the occasion, I'd like to share with you a little snippet of what you'll be learning on this course.
My focus today is on astrological correspondences of the pip cards (numbered cards 2 - 10 in the Minor Arcana), specifically Aries in the Minor Arcana.
Each pip card is linked to an astrological correspondence:
- Two of Wands - Mars in Aries
- Three of Wands - Sun in Aries
- Four of Wands - Venus in Aries
We can see that a planet and a zodiac sign are connected to each card.
I won't be explaining today why and how these attributions have come about (but it's explained in the course).
Instead, I will show you how you can make sense of these attributions in a reading and apply them in a practical way.
First of all, you will have noticed that the above pip cards are assigned to the zodiac sign Aries.
Some characteristics of Aries are: pioneering, visionary, initiating and pro-active.
Aries people are enthusiastic about starting new projects and find it easy to take the lead. But they also need to keep focused on their vision in order to reach their goals.
Sometimes they find it hard to sustain the initial enthusiasm, but their ambitions and drive may help them along towards what they want to achieve.
Aries is also linked to the Emperor and the Queen of Wands.
(Note how you can make additional connections with corresponding Major Arcana and Court cards.)
Two of Wands - Mars in Aries
Aries is combined with the aggressive energies of Mars.
The planet Mars is associated with both positive and negative aggression - competition, ambition, drive as well as anger, ruthlessness and violence.
The combined energies of Mars and Aries in the Two of Wands suggests someone, who is inspired to turn ideas into action, and has that inner urge and drive to succeed.
Both Mars and Aries indicate restlessness and inner energy that needs to be released in a creative and constructive way.
The figure in the image is holding the world in his hand, perhaps thinking of a global conquest, which would be a very Martian thing to do 😄
Mars is also linked to the Tower, and is the ruling planet of Aries (the Emperor).
Three of Wands - Sun in Aries
Here, Aries is combined with the Sun, which is associated with life force, the ego and the need for self-expression.
This combination suggests powerful energies initiating the move from a planning stage to action - new beginnings, the actual start of a journey.
The sun in Aries combination indicates specifically individuality, leadership, confidence and self-assertion.
It can also indicate a tendency to be self-centred or an abundance of energy that could lead to burnout.
Selfishness at this stage doesn't need to be a negative trait but could be a necessity to disregard naysayers and discouragement.
The sun is the ruling planet of Leo (Strength), and is also associated with The Sun in the Major Arcana.
Four of Wands - Venus in Aries
Venus is a grounding force in this combination.
It is associated with the Empress, but also with the Hierophant and Justice as Venus is ruler of both Taurus and Libra.
Venus relates to love, beauty and indulgence. Together with Aries, there is certainly a party atmosphere, a reason to celebrate and take it easy for a change.
Good times may be connected to business progress, success but also to a house move or family occasion.
The Venus aspect may also indicate an engagement/wedding, or the couple have set up home together.
Because Venus can succumb to prolonged self-indulgence at times, there is a danger of stagnation and complacency, which needs to be overcome by the driving force of Aries.
Once you get more familiar with the planetary and zodiacal traits and characteristics, your interpretation of individual cards will evolve to a new level.
⭐Check out my Starlight Tarot Astrology Course⭐
Warmest wishes,
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