Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Stagnation – Making the Most of Feeling Stuck

stagnation making the most of feeling stuck

Stagnation – the opposite of moving, growing, progressing.

An uncomfortable feeling of restlessness, the urge to get up and go, but you can’t…

Who wants to be stuck in limbo?

Waiting for a new job to come up (especially when you are unemployed).

Waiting for new love to come into your life (when you begin to feel that you have been single for too long).

Waiting for a house sale to go through.

Waiting for someone to get in touch with you.

Waiting in the queue, stuck in a traffic jam or at the airport

And then there are pandemic lockdowns to put up with… anything that stops you from getting on with life, and it’s all a little outside your control.

There is only so much you can do to influence your situation, and sometimes you will just have to sit it out until some movement takes place.

It is easy to get impatient, when the time of waiting seems to drag on forever, but instead of thinking that life is passing you by, you can accept stagnation as a gift.

Yes, it is possible to make the most of feeling stuck, because it does have its advantages…

“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” - Mandy Hale

Stagnation doesn’t mean that nothing is happening.

While you are enduring a long waiting phase, tiny shifts occur, internally and externally, without you realising.

A new perspective, a change of heart or mind, a new insight, new opportunities, changing circumstances or priorities….

Even while you are stuck in a long checkout queue, you can simply pause, take a deep breath and enjoy the standstill before you continue being busy again.

Getting back to basics, slowing down…

Stagnation in the Cosmic Journaling Oracle may ask you to embrace a waiting phase as a gift.

You have time to consider your options, discover new opportunities, enjoy the calm before the storm.

Stagnation may also suggest delays, lack of progress, your patience will be tested, self-restriction, rigidity, or the process of sowing, waiting and reaping.

Perhaps you have fallen into the trap of waiting for the future to come –

  • waiting for the weekend
  • waiting for summer
  • waiting to be happy again one day…

In this case, Stagnation reminds you to focus on the present and make the most of the here and now.

Questions to ask:

  • What area in your life are you currently waiting for something, and what is it you are actually waiting for?
  • What can you do to be more relaxed about it and even enjoy this period of stagnation?
  • Look back into your past and remind yourself of times, when you had to wait for something. How did you deal with it, and what happened in the end?

While a longer waiting period in life can be challenging, it can also offer new possibilities and serve as a reminder to make the most of the present by spending the extra time on what you love

Learn more about the Cosmic Journaling Oracle deck here.

Warmest wishes,


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Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

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