Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hello Spring Ostara Tarot Spread

 spring ostara tarot spread

The Ace of Coins from the Alchemical Tarot perfectly captures the spirit of Ostara and the official beginning of Spring.

The hare reminds me of the white rabbit from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland beckoning us to follow him down the hole for a new adventure.

And yes, the Spring Equinox is a time for rebirth, renewal and new beginnings.

After a dull winter, the longer and warmer days tend to make us feel more optimistic and hopeful for the coming months ahead.

As part of your Spring Equinox celebrations and seasonal explorations, here is my Ostara tarot spread you could incorporate:

1. What are the seeds that I’m sowing? 

The energies you are releasing that you might not be aware of. Whatever you’re doing at the moment (especially unconsciously), what effect may it have?

2. What seedlings are emerging around me? 

What is already developing around you that you may not be aware of? A project you recently started, or a goal you’ve set yourself, what is emerging from it so far?

3. What do I need to focus on until the Summer Solstice? 

A task you need to carry out, a skill you need to acquire, or anything you need to pay attention to that will help you achieve your goal.

For each question, you can pull up to three cards to gain some insight.

I hope you enjoy my Ostara tarot spread, and please do let me know how it works for you.

For more seasonal tarot spreads and creative tarot journaling ideas, please check out my Cosmic Faery’s Journal Workbook.

Wishing you a Blessed Equinox,


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