Friday, February 17, 2012

Discover Your Tarot Year Card

discover your tarot year card

Tarot provides a variety of enjoyable and insightful methods for self-exploration.

One such method is calculating your year card. By determining your tarot year card - your annual growth symbol - you can gain personal insights into the lessons, tests, and experiences you will encounter throughout the year.

Your year card can provide clarity on your life's path and offer guidance for navigating challenges, ultimately aiding in your personal growth.

How to calculate your year card:

Add the month and day of your birth to the current year, e.g.:

18th July in 2006 = 18 + 7 + 2006 = 2031 = 6 (The Lovers)

Only the Major Arcana cards are used, so you need to keep the final number under 23 (22 = The Fool).

There are two options regarding the time period for the year card to be valid:

from birthday to birthday (in this case from 18th July 2006 until 17th July 2007)

Calendar year (1st Jan—31 Dec)

You can use either or combine both. 

When combining them, The Lovers and The Hierophant (from 18th July 2005 onwards) would be both valid from 1st January 2006 until 17th July 2006 and in that period would interact with each other.

If you are a Tarot student, an interesting exercise would be to calculate your year cards from your birth year onwards and note all key experiences you had in each year (as far as your memory allows).

The result may surprise you, especially when you find out about your personal rhythm.

For example, you may notice that some cards do not appear in your chart at all even though your age might be well above 22. Other cards will appear on a regular basis.

It is up to you to determine the relevance of the absent cards and those that turn up in regular intervals with regards to your life lessons.

Suggestions for the year lessons of each card:

The Magician - 1 

(numerically "1", we are all Magicians every year)

  • Focus on options and opportunities
  • Pursue a new direction with willpower and ambition
  • Clarity of mind; all mental activity
  • Communication
  • Make things happen

The High Priestess - 2

  • Develop your intuition
  • Trust your instincts
  • Self-nurturing
  • Be patient; situations will be resolved at the right time

The Empress - 3

  • Motherhood or maternal instincts
  • Nurturing others
  • Make use of and develop your creativity
  • Fruitfulness, abundance
  • Love of nature and beauty
  • Settling down, security and stability

The Emperor - 4

  • Important decisions need to be made, perhaps not easy
  • Be assertive
  • Leading the way
  • Take charge
  • Establish security
  • Finish projects that you've started

The Hierophant - 5

  • Teaching or studying
  • Social interaction on a professional or ethical level
  • Working within hierarchies
  • Intellectual development
  • spiritual guidance

The Lovers - 6

  • Relationships (partner, family, friends, colleagues)
  • Major choices regarding relationships
  • Taking responsibility
  • Following your heart without losing your head

The Chariot - 7

  • Setting targets and goals
  • Proving yourself
  • Taking control with skill and determination
  • Overcoming struggle and tension
  • Persevering despite difficulties

Strength - 8

  • Courage and endurance in times of adversity
  • Controlling anger or jealousy
  • Strong passions and desires
  • Letting situations unfold without forcing them
  • Being assertive and standing up for yourself

The Hermit - 9

  • Solitude
  • Introspection
  • Contemplating
  • Reviewing your options
  • Prudence
  • Taking time out
  • Looking after your health

The Wheel of Fortune - 10

  • Luck and fate
  • Completion of one cycle and beginning of another
  • Major change
  • Dealing with unforeseen events

Justice - 11

  • Balance and harmony
  • Fairness
  • Legal or financial issues
  • Integrity
  • Partnerships

The Hanged Man - 12

  • Gaining a new perspective
  • Making a sacrifice
  • Giving something up
  • Stagnation

Death - 13

  • Letting go of something old to make way for something new
  • Transformation
  • Regeneration
  • Dealing with emotional pain

Temperance - 14

  • Making concessions, compromises
  • Creating a healthy balance
  • Relinquish excessive lifestyle
  • Give and take

The Devil - 15

  • Dependency
  • Manipulation
  • Reluctant to change; putting up with something negative
  • Creating unrest
  • Temptation
  • Strong sexuality

The Tower - 16

  • Sudden change
  • Shock to the system; can be positive or negative
  • Anger and pain
  • Starting from scratch
  • Revelation or epiphany completely altering your attitude or opinion of something

The Star - 17

  • Period of hope and healing
  • Optimism for the future
  • Back to basics and nature
  • Sustainability

The Moon - 18

  • Dealing with changing moods
  • Reflections and vivid dreams
  • Acknowledge and work with your inner rhythm and cycles
  • Being drawn by an unknown desire

The Sun - 19

  • Achievement of major goal
  • Birth or marriage
  • Self-worth, confidence and contentment
  • Strong creative and passionate phase

Judgement - 20

  • Dealing with criticism
  • Evaluation from yourself and others
  • Worldview and understanding
  • Transitions
  • Taking stock; review; analysis

The World - 21

  • Sense of endless potential
  • Realising and accepting your limitations
  • Finding your place within a structure or in society
  • Being established
  • Concluding an ongoing situation
  • Settling down

The Fool - 22

  • New beginnings and experiences
  • Flexibility and openness to change
  • Taking risks and trusting yourself
  • Travel and adventure

Discovering your year card can provide valuable insights and guidance for the year ahead.

What is your year card this year? What guidance does it offer you? 

Learn more about Tarot personality profiling in my Discovery Tarot Course

discovery tarot course for beginners

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Four Elements in the Tarot

the four elements in the tarot

In the Western Mystery Traditions, the four primary elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—are fundamental components that have been integral to occult sciences such as Tarot, Astrology, Magick, and Alchemy for over two thousand years.

The Greek philosopher Empedocles of Acragas (495—435 B.C.) developed the theory that the four elements were the basis for all life on earth and everything in existence. 

This theory was later endorsed and supported by Aristotle.

Since then, scientists and philosophers have studied and investigated the meaning and attributes of the four elements, their influence on our world, and their interactions with each other. 

Gradually, the four elements were incorporated into the Tarot, enriching the practice with their symbolic meanings.

To gain a deeper understanding of the Tarot, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the four elements in the Tarot.

Click on the links to learn more:


Tarot and the Four Elements: Earth

tarot and the four elements earth

Just like Water, Earth is a feminine (yin) element; stable, sustaining and supportive; energy at its most solid; substance; matter; the body of the Great Mother of ancient times.

Our bodies are partly made of the earth and we return to it when we die. Our ancestors buried their dead in caves and burial mounds, the womb of Mother Earth; they realised our intuitive bond with earth.

Much of the food we eat comes from the soil, and many things we can touch are made of earth in many ways or forms.

Positive: knowledge, ability, stability, endurance, dependability, solidity, self-worth, success, financial prudence; in touch with nature; well-being.

Negative: greed, financial loss, material obsessions, inability to change, stubbornness, possessiveness.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana: The Empress, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Devil, The World

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Pentacles; Pages

In Tarot, the element Earth is concerned with the material world, form and substance; putting ideas into practice, practical matters, money, career, home and family, business projects, skills and labour, education, security. 

They also represent what grounds and stabilises a person; traditions and inheritance.

Earth Correspondences


Astrological signs

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Cold and dry








Night, Midnight


Cow, bull, snakes (earth-dwelling), rabbits, mice, stag, dogs




Brown, green, black, white, yellow


Ivy, oats, corn, rice, comfrey, barley, rye, wheat, fruit, flowers


Forest, garden, field, caves, mountains, standing stones, rocks

Jungian Function



Green agate, coal, salt, turquoise, rock crystal, emerald, Cat’s eye, green jasper, jet


The tenacious, hard-working gnome; Faery folk


Coin, pentacle, stone, shield



How to get  in Touch with the Earth Element

Walk barefoot in the garden on grass and soil; take your time and try to be aware of the earth energies slowly penetrating your feet and rising slowly up your body.

This should make you feel refreshed and replenished. Slowly let the excess energy flow back into the soil by visualising it like trickling water. Don’t overdo this or you will drain your own life force. Trust yourself to know when to stop.

Sit against a tree trunk. Close your eyes and imagine you’re becoming part of the tree and your feet are roots growing into the soil and drawing up energy, circulating it around your body. 

Visualise this energy as a greenish-gold light. After a while, imagine drawing back your ‘roots’ into your feet and disconnecting from the earth and the tree.

Lie on the ground in your garden. Relax and feel the heartbeat of the earth like a pulse deep under the soil. Imagine the growth of plants, swelling of seeds and unfurling of grass and leaves.

Visit ancient sacred sites. Standing stones were placed in a way that they utilised and intensified the earth’s currents, which can still be felt today if you touch or being near them. Something similar, usually a special aura or atmosphere, can be felt at the great ceremonial mounds.

Bring fresh flowers and plants into your home. Tend plants in your garden and feel their life force as you enjoy their beauty.

Observe the seasonal changes around you. The cycle of growth and decay; see the first buds appear on bare branches. 

Follow the cycle through to autumn observing the changing colours of the foliage and falling of the leaves. Note how the foliage is not wasted but turned into mulch to nourish future growth.

Tarot and the Four Elements: Water

tarot and the four elements water

Just like Earth, Water is a feminine (yin) element. Its energy is flowing, cleansing and life-giving.

All life on earth originated from water; the human body contains up to 85% water (depending on height, weight, age and gender), which suggests a dominance of its energy on our bodies.

Water is the most receptive of the four elements; it can easily absorb any form of contamination from its surroundings and needs to be purified.

Due to its receptivity and flowing, formless nature, the element of Water is associated with psychic powers, dreams, divination, the subconscious as well as cleansing the spirit.

Although Water is regarded as a passive element, it can be quite forceful in nature: waterfalls, enormous ocean waves, floods can be destructive and overpowering; so can be the feelings and emotions Water is associated with.

Positive: love, nurturing, creativity, imagination, serenity, contentment, compassion, happiness, understanding.

Negative: moodiness, jealousy, hate, sadness, psychic drains, excess, addiction, illusions.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana: The High Priestess, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Death, The Moon

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Cups; Queens

In Tarot the element Water represents feelings and emotions; relationships, imagination, fantasy, dreams, astral worlds and the psyche, intuition. 

Cups indicate a love for pleasure, intuitive art, beauty and serenity.

Water Correspondences


Astrological signs

Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio


Cold and moist




Waning crescent


Autumn (Summer in Tarot)


Dusk, twilight


Fish, seals, walrus; dragons (as serpents), dolphins and porpoises, water-dwelling snakes, dragonfly, all water creatures and sea birds


Sacral Plexus


Blue, aquamarine, bluish-silver, blue-green, green, grey, indigo, black, shades of green; purple


Willow, lettuce, kelp, ferns, lotus, mosses, rushes, seaweed, water lilies, and all water plants


Rivers, lakes, oceans, beaches, swamps, pools, springs, wells

Jungian Function



Moonstone, silver, pearl, Aquamarine, Lapis lazuli, coral, jade, quartz crystal, amethyst, sapphire




Cups, chalice, cauldron



How to get in Touch with the Water Element

Next time you have a bath, feel the comfort of immersing yourself in water and the trancelike condition it invokes; where thoughts and feelings are suspended, peace and serenity taking over. Feel the water moving around your skin washing away the psychic baggage accumulated during the day.

When you go swimming, experience the water carrying you; close your eyes and float; let the water take control.

Take a walk when it rains; summer rain after a hot day can bring refreshment and a sense of purification. Watch the plants being replenished with water.

Children love water; they don’t mind getting wet. They love bath time and playing with containers in the paddling pool in summer. Try it for yourself; perhaps you notice how relaxing that can be.

If you have a garden, why not create a pond? Plant water plants and create spaces for frogs. Enjoy watching tadpoles transforming into frogs. If your pond is big enough, consider getting some fish and create a little eco-system.

Visit the seaside and enjoy the sea with all its riches: shells, crabs, pebbles. Savour the waves and the changing tides. Feel the water and see if you can smell the sea. Be hands on and experience the effects of the sea on you. Do you feel calm, carefree and content or perhaps lonely or sad?

Visit a lake or a river. Sit beside a stream and watch the water move. Perhaps you can see some fish. Can you look down to the ground? Is the water clear or murky? Feel any tension slowly leaving you, when you listen to the gurgle of water over pebbles and rocks.

Back to Elements

Tarot and the Four Elements: Air

tarot and the four elements air

Air is a masculine (yang) element; fast moving, abundant, the least dense of the four element. 

It is invisible, but we can see its effect on the things around us: blowing trees in the wind, fluttering paper on a desk in a draft, clouds moving across the sky. 

We can feel it every time we breathe as it keeps us alive.

Air energy is light and can feel almost any temperature when it is being worked with. 

It is most powerful during the fury of a storm.

The Air element represents our need to keep moving and learning, our quest for knowledge and curiosity. 

It is the energy of intellect, wisdom, and understanding. It also supports communication and friendship.

Positive: Truth, justice, courage, strength, organisation, ethical principles, decisiveness

Negative: thoughtlessness, being judgemental, sharp-tongued, fear, confusion, disharmony, conflict, animosity, unhappiness and sometimes illness.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana: The Fool, The Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Star

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Swords; Knights

In Tarot the element Air symbolises mind, rational thought, intellect, conflict; uncomfortable processes. 

It can also indicate communication, a desire for truth and justice and necessity to decide about (or separate from) past attachments.

Air Correspondences


Astrological signs

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Hot and moist




Waxing Crescent


Spring (Autumn in Tarot)




Birds, butterflies




Yellow, pastels, steel grey, crimson, ice blue, blue-white


Dandelion, Frankincense, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow


windswept hills, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers

Jungian Function



Aventurine, pumice, Topaz


Playful sylphs, who looked like the winged fairies of folklore


Wand, aromatic; Athame, sword, censer; incense



 How to get in Touch with the Air Element

Stand outside on a windy day; the gusts will cleanse your aura and revitalise you, clearing your thoughts and making you feel fresh and alert.

The idea of each of the elements can be conveyed through the medium of air: depending on the seasons, the east wind can be sharp and harsh, the north wind cold, the south wind dusty and dry and the west wind warm and gentle.

Visit places that are subject to a lot of strong winds: beaches, hills, cliff tops, grassland, open desert. Feel the clarity of the place and observe how it affects you.

Pick up twigs and leaves that have been blown by the wind; they often retain a vigorous, blustery feeling. Windy places can give you a sense of cleanliness and lucidity.

Tarot and the Four Elements: Fire

Just like Air, Fire is a masculine (yang) element; it is vital, energetic and vigorous.

Fire energy is difficult to control, and it can easily destroy everything in its path. Yet when contained, the energy can provide light, warmth, comfort and used to prepare food.

When our ancestors learned how to use fire, it transformed their lives.

In religions, fire is regarded as a great purifier, cleansing sacred space. It is also a symbol of the soul, a metaphor for spirit.

Fire cannot exist without fuel to consume including oxygen. In order to put it out, it needs to be dowsed with water or the air supply needs to be cut off with soil or a wet blanket.

Fire energy is the hot, devouring power of the most intense emotions: anger, lust, love.

Just like a real fire, people with a “fiery” temperament need the element Water in the form of feelings and emotions to calm down and find balance as well as the Element Earth for grounding and stability.

Positive: creativity, enterprise, drive, enthusiasm, passion, determination.

Negative: restlessness, wilfulness, pride, reckless behaviour.

Tarot Cards

Major Arcana: The Emperor, Strength, Temperance, The Tower, The Sun, Judgement

Minor Arcana: The Suit of Wands; Kings

In the Tarot, the element Fire represents growth, inspiration, energy, creativity, self-development and passion. 

Fire refers to career, work, enterprise and ambition.

Fire Correspondences


Astrological signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


Hot and dry






Summer (Spring in Tarot)




Komodo dragon, fire-breathing dragons,  desert-dwelling animals, lion, horses (when their hooves strike sparks), salamander




Red, orange, gold, crimson, white (the sun’s noon light)


Sunflowers, basil, fennel, onion, garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettle, red peppers, red poppies, chillies


Deserts, volcanoes, hearth, bonfire

Jungian Function



Amber, ruby, carnelian, garnet, lava, Bloodstone, Tiger’s Eye, topaz


The joyful, exuberant Salamander


Censer, wand, candle


Almond in flower

How to get in Touch with the Fire Element

1. If you have a fireplace, kindle a fire in the comfort of your home, or make a fire safely outside. 

If this is not possible, light a candle instead and watch the flames; observe its movements, change of shape and strength. 

Watch it flicker and flare up, when you add more fuel or the flame is affected by a draught or wind. 

If you burn a fire in a fireplace, experiment with burning different fuels: coal, wood, paper, some twigs and leaves from the garden. 

If you burn a candle, add some essential oils, but keep the candle safely on a fireproof surface. Notice the different colours of the flames; orange, yellow, white, blue, sometimes green. 

What sort of emotions does the fire or the burning candle invoke in you? Energy, passion, anger or a feeling of warmth and cosiness?

2. On a sunny day, take some time to sit outside and enjoy sunbathing. Sunlight is relaxing, and after a while, you can feel your skin slowly warming up. Just be sure not to get burned!

After a long winter, sunshine is invigorating and enhances our sense of well-being. The heat of the sun gives summer life an “easy” feel, but tempers and passions can also flare up quickly.

Notice the impact sunbathing has on you: do you feel relaxed, enlivened, cheerful, or irritated and unnerved? This may depend on how long you are exposed to the sun 😃

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tarot and The Golden Dawn

rose cross lamen

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn had a profound impact on the development of esoteric Tarot. Without the magical workings of its members, modern day Tarot would probably not exist.

In order to understand thoroughly the Golden Dawn’s influence on Tarot, it is necessary to gain more insight into this illustrious group.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in 1888 in England by William Wynn Westcott, William Robert Woodman and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, who were all Freemasons.

A remarkable aspect of this organisation was its pioneering decision to admit men and women as equals.

As a result, some of its most influential members were women: Moina Mathers, Florence Farr, Dion Fortune, Annie Horniman and Maud Gonne.

These women were free-spirited, and thanks to personal wealth and benefactors lived unconventional lifestyles in Victorian times, when the main occupation of a woman was to be a wife and mother.

Women of the Golden Dawn, by Mary K. Greer, provides a fascinating insight into their lives and works.

The Golden Dawn was headed by MacGregor Mathers, who was mainly responsible for its structure and rituals as well as creating a whole system of magic.

He spent most of his time researching in the British Library. His fondness for medieval scripts and old magical texts led him to write most of the Golden Dawn’s material, drawing his inspiration from Egyptian, Greek and Jewish magic.

MacGregor Mathers also came across the writings of Eliphas Lévi, a Frenchman, who dedicated most of his work to magic and the Kabbalah.

Lévi tried to make connections between Western magic and occult philosophy; he researched medieval and renaissance writings, Egyptian images, mythology and Hebrew.

He also developed a Kabbalistic system, which was fully integrated into the Tarot. Lévi greatly influenced Mathers and the magical teachings of the Golden Dawn.

MacGregor Mathers’ legacy is the fusion of all the material he researched into a working coherent system.

It is known as the Western Mystery Tradition, which includes Kabbalah, Tarot, Egyptian Mysteries, Enochian Magic, Alchemy and the Four Elements.

The Golden Dawn was established without any specific religious foundation.

Its purpose was to provide spiritual development and enlightenment, searching for the truth and experiencing the magical side of reality rather than just settling for belief.

In practice, Golden Dawn magic incorporates ritual, meditation and development of psychic abilities, using the symbols, gods and wisdom of all religions in order to express a single divine energy.

Often, Golden Dawn members would gather and perform past life regressions and attempt to interpret visions and dreams.

The hierarchical structure was based on the ten degrees of the Sephiroth from the Kabbalah.

Members would advance from each level by sitting exams and partaking in elaborate rituals, which took place in specially designed temples set up throughout England.

In order to pass the exams, members had to prove their knowledge of astrology, Tarot, Kabbalah, divination, Hebrew letters symbolism and other esoteric disciplines.

The rituals were quite theatrical; high-ranking members dressed up as Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (notably Osiris and Isis), the initiate was led blindfolded into the temple, and several incantations, prayers, spells and invocations took place, before the ritual was over.

Right from the start, the Golden Dawn shrouded itself in secrecy. Members took an oath not to reveal its teachings, which ultimately may have protected them from persecution.

By using the word ‘occult’ (which simply means ‘hidden’), the organisation could have been mistakenly accused of black magic or Devil worship.

The Golden Dawn maintained that by working through its rituals, teachings and travelling the psychic pathways described by the Tarot, it is possible to reach a state of divine enlightenment, even acquire great power.

This may have been the main reason to keep the Order a secret, so misuse of its knowledge could be prevented.

At the pinnacle of its existence, the Golden Dawn had some influential people within its ranks, amongst them Aleister Crowley and Arthur Edward Waite, who both went on to develop the two most famous Tarot decks of the 20th Century:

  • the Thoth Deck (Crowley with artist Frieda Harris, first published 1969) and 
  • the Rider-Waite-Smith (Waite with artist Pamela Coleman-Smith, first published 1909).

By the year 1900, arguments amongst Golden Dawn members led to rifts within the group.

MacGregor Mathers was expelled from the Order, when he accused Wynn Wescott of having faked some documents. He left for Paris with his wife Moina in 1892, where he founded a splinter group.

W. B. Yeats, the Irish poet, took over from Mathers, but in 1903 A. E. Waite took control and moved the Order into a Christian direction, renaming it The Holy Order of the Golden Dawn.

But due to dwindling membership and apathy, Waite had to close the Order in 1914.  By then, a number of groups had dispersed across Britain, to Paris and even Chicago.

Today, many occult groups claim to have originated from the Golden Dawn, and its teachings are still researched and practised today.

Recommended Books:

Mary K. Greer: Women of The Golden Dawn

Israel Regardie: The Golden Dawn: An Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Order of the Golden Dawn

Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero: Self-initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition: A Complete Curriculum of Study for Both the Solitary Magician and the Working Magical Group

Recommended Websites:

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