Welcome to the final resting place of Cosmic Spirit Tarot 😂😂😂
When I first started my tarot website back in 2005, I never thought it would last this long.
But when it began to take off in 2012, I decided to ride the wave and have a good time.
So many years and a pandemic later, I'm a totally different person today.
I still love tarot and everything magical.
I still love creative journaling, making my own meditation and divination cards, and I still love pulling a card once in a while from one of the few decks I still own.
But over the last four years, major shifts and changes in my life have taken me into a new direction.
I feel like the Fool on the image above.
I see the craziness ahead, but I want to hitch that ride rather than staying put.
It's a journey into the unknown. Scary but also exciting and fun.
I've started writing on Substack and Medium.
I'm posting new videos on my YouTube channel.
And this simple blogger blog will contain the best of the writing I have posted on Cosmic Spirit Tarot over the last 20 years.
It actually won't be that much, just those articles that still resonate with me and offer the most value to whoever reads them.
And whatever I repost here will be refreshed and improved.
So, if you want to follow this journey, click on the follower button to subscribe to email notifications.
Until next time,