One of the harsh lessons the pandemic has taught us is that learning to embrace being alone contributes to our wellbeing and resilience.
When you begin to discover the joy of being alone, magical things start to happen:
1. You become more creative
Being on your own means that you have to fill your time with interesting activities.
2. You are getting out of your comfort zone
Don't want to be home alone? You decide to go to a cafe or go on holiday anyway. You learn there is no point in missing out only because you don't have someone else joining you.
3. You can relax and recharge
There is no need to compromise, keeping other people happy, and you have the big bed all for yourself.
4. You get to know yourself
Reflect on your needs and aspirations, your strengths and weaknesses and give yourself the space to fall in love with yourself.
5. You learn to enjoy your own company
When you focus on the positive aspects of being alone, you begin to thrive and enjoy life.
6. You no longer feel lonely
Being alone doesn't mean you are lonely. You know that you can reach out to people and cultivate a small circle of true friends to connect with.
7. You can be yourself
No need to apologise for not meeting someone else's expectations, or seek approval by how you look, what you wear, or even how much you fulfil the other person's needs.
8. You have the chance to fulfil your dreams
Relationships can be stifling, and it is easy to get stuck in routines.
Being on your own helps to be more mindful about exploring and pursuing your goals and dreams.
You can be more adventurous without having to explain yourself.
9. You feel you are in charge of your life
You have control over your finances, work, where you want to live, your sex life, travel destinations, and the company you want to keep and when.
10. You no longer are desperate to be in a relationship
This is one of the most magical effects. So many people embark on a new relationship only because they don't want to be alone.
They stay in the wrong relationship, because they are scared of feeling lonely, if they leave.
Being at ease in your own company, being your own best friend means that you no longer engage in or put up with drama. You become discerning and choose your company wisely.
Once we have discovered the joy of being alone, we no longer get caught up in making bad decisions about relationships. We no longer neglect friendships for the sake of a relationship.
It is time to shed the idea that being alone - as opposed to being in a relationship - is a weakness or even tragedy in one's life.
The true tragedy is not being able to be alone, unable to be solitary and enjoying it, not knowing that you are enough.
It is time to embrace being alone - alonement - as a gift to live a fulfilled life.
Warmest wishes,
⭐gET INspIrEd⭐
A movie that recently moved me: Portrait of a Lady on Fire - it brought tears to my eyes not because it was sad, but because it was so incredibly beautiful and emotionally powerful
A book I'm currently hooked on: The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck - witty, entertaining, and so incredibly wise. Life-changing stuff
My latest Musical Muse: Wanderlust - my personal song collection on Spotify for day-dreams and mind-travel