Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Turning a Crisis into a Transformational Journey

the tower and the star, turning a crisis into a transformational journey

At one point in our lives, we will all encounter a major crisis point - bereavement, divorce, relationship breakdown, ill health, financial hardship, mental breakdown...

When you experience a significant Tower moment, the initial shock and feeling of numbness usually develops into a variety of painful emotions, from anger to depression.

What will keep you going is your focus on moving towards acceptance of the situation to allow for subsequent recovery and healing.

Each person deals with pitfalls and setbacks in their own way and in their own time.

While some people quickly get back on their feet, others take much longer to come to terms with their situation.

The Tarot is an excellent tool to help you on your way to recovery and renewal

A simple healing spread used regularly can help you improve the way you feel and transform your life over time.

Turning a crisis into a transformational journey is an 8-card spread that can assist you on your way towards healing.

You can use as little or as many cards as you like.

Choose from the following prompts, which are most relevant to you, or use all of them as a powerful healing meditation:

1. Where I am on my healing journey at this moment in time
2. A strength of mine that will help me today
3. A weakness I need to overcome
4. What is blocking me
5. What I need from others to help me heal (you don't need to do this on your own)
6. What I can do today that would make me feel better
7. Spiritual Lesson

As you can see, there are eight positional meanings for this spread. Eight is the number of regeneration and rebirth.

The Star, numbered 17 (1 + 7 = 8), usually depicts an eight-pointed central star.

You can lay out the cards in a star-shaped arrangement to help you manifest the healing and transformational powers of the Star and this spread.

Numerically, the Star is linked to Strength, numbered 8 in Rider Waite Smith based tarot decks.

In addition to this healing meditation, you could also explore, how the energies of Strength can benefit you on your healing journey.

⭐Would you like to learn Tarot for self-development and healing? Check out my Discovery Tarot Course

Warmest wishes, 


printable healing cards
Printable healing cards inside Cosmic Journaling Through The Year 

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