Tarot offers so much more than simple fortune-telling. If you're seeking an empowering companion on your life journey, choose Tarot for self-development, healing, and personal growth.
Here are five ways you can use the Tarot to increase awareness, perception, knowledge and understanding – qualities and skills you need to make the most of all aspects of life:
1. Setting Goals and turning them into Reality
Many people float through life without any clear direction where they want to be.
And if they do know where they want to be, they often don’t have a clear plan about how to get there.
This powerful monthly manifestation spread can help you focus on turning your dreams into reality:
2. Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem
The first step you need to take to raise your confidence and self-esteem is getting to know yourself better and start believing in yourself.
Many people are doubtful and insecure about their talents and abilities, their worth in terms of personality and looks.
Chances are high that you are much better and stronger than you think.
Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses by checking out your personality and persona cards.
You can also use tarot spreads to explore and give your confidence a boost, such as the Magick Monday Confidence:
3. Problem-Solving
Virtually every day we ask ourselves how to resolve specific problems, so why not ask the Tarot for some guidance:
• How to resolve a conflict in a relationship or at work?
• How to overcome an obstacle?
• Why can I not reach my goal and what can I do about it?
• What can I do to bring new love into my life?
Unblock yourself with the Get Unstuck Spread:
4. Healing from Heartache
“Breaking up is never easy, I know, but I have to go. Knowing me, knowing you it’s the best I can do.” – Abba
Recovering from a breakup isn’t easy, and nobody will blame you for temporarily self-medicating with bottles of wine and tubs of ice-cream.
But there are also healthier and more therapeutic options. Combine Tarot with journaling to make sense of the whole thing, so you can get closure and move on with your life.
There are so many spreads about overcoming heartache.
You may be asking yourself if he’s coming back or will you ever find new love again, but exploring what will grow from your loss can help you shift your focus to new opportunities:
Other questions you can ask:
• What can I do today that makes me feel better?
• What can I do today that will help me heal?
• What will make me happy today?
• What can I do today that will help me let go and start afresh?
5. Explore your Options
We have to make decisions every day, most of which are made quickly and without fuss, others are major choices that need a little bit of thought and consideration before you decide what to do.
Questions you might be asking yourself are:
• Which job / career will offer me better prospects?
• Is s/he the right one? My soul mate?
• Shall I go ahead with the business launch or should I delay as not everything is in place yet?
• Shall I spend my savings on the holiday or the training course? I have to make a choice as I can’t afford both.
Again, there are numerous spreads and explorations that can help you make decisions and work out what is best for you.
As you can see, you can have oodles of fun with the Tarot and start sorting out your pressing life issues along the way.
If you want to learn more about how to use the Tarot for self-development, then please check out my Discovery Tarot Course.
Warmest wishes,
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