Tuesday, October 16, 2018

5 Proven Ways To Become A Confident Tarot Reader

proven ways to become a confident tarot reader

Most aspiring tarot readers not only wish to read for themselves but also for others, which requires a certain level of confidence.

Often that confidence is hampered by self-doubt and other insecurities.

How can you overcome that nagging feeling inside of not being good enough?

Here are five steps you can take to become a confident tarot reader:

1. Learn to embrace the Tarot as a way of life.

For example, it’s early in the morning while I’m writing this, all is quiet, I’m savouring my first coffee of the day – feeling like the Nine of Cups and Queen of Wands all in one 🙂

How are you feeling right now? Which card/s spring to mind?

Connect the Tarot with your life, and all will start to fall into place.

For many students, this approach has led to a breakthrough in their studies. Learn to apply it in my Discovery Tarot Course.

2. Intuition – tune in by taking a couple of conscious breaths.

Listen to your inner voice. Pay attention of feelings and images coming up when drawing a card. First impressions are often meaningful. The more you tune into the image, the more will emerge.

3. Trust – You need to learn to trust your intuition and your inner knowing.

It’s all there inside you. Believe in yourself. Trust that whatever comes up in your head is meant to be.

4. Have the courage to leave your comfort zone behind.

When learning the Tarot, it’s new unknown territory. It’s normal to feel nervous (especially when you read for others), but it’s also exciting.

Be prepared for not getting it quite right sometimes. It’s all part of the learning and growth process.

5. Last but not least, be patient and persistent.

It takes regular practice to improve and deepen your skills. Although with basic knowledge of the Tarot you can quickly do simple one-card readings, mastery doesn’t happen overnight.

It's also useful to find a tarot buddy you can learn with, perhaps join an online tarot study group, where you can meet like-minded souls and get some personal support.

Enjoy the journey⭐


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How Curiosity Can Boost Your Happiness

how curiosity can boost your happiness

“Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what’s on the other side?”
- George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones

Do fears, low self-esteem, and other self-imposed restrictions hold you back? 

You might be surprised to learn that developing and nurturing a curious mind can help you overcome these blocks and boost your happiness.

As children, we had no inhibitions when it came to expressing our creativity or exploring unknown places.

However, as we grew up, we started to develop insecurities and self-doubt, which have become difficult to shake off."

Curiosity is a surprisingly simple and useful tactic that will help you make some positive changes, and that’s why I included it in the Cosmic Journaling Oracle.

Next time you feel fearful, try approaching the situation with curiosity instead.

Explore despite your fears. Express yourself and be curious about where it leads you.

Invited to a party, where you don’t know anyone but the host?

Say yes, even if you fear awkward moments or lack confidence talking to people. Be curious about getting to know new folk.

Show off your art anyway, even if you fear criticism or rejection.

Be curious about what people have to say. Even ask them for feedback. Wouldn’t it be great to know what people think rather than making assumptions?

Be curious about different places to visit, different music, food, activities, even a different career.

Curiosity boosts your happiness as it creates excitement and the thrill of conquering fears and self-limitation.

“A much more interesting, kind, adventurous, and joyful approach to life is to begin to develop curiosity, not caring whether the object of our inquisitiviness is bitter or sweet.”
- Pema Chödrön

Curiosity in the Cosmic Journaling Oracle asks you to replace any blocks you have with a sense of wonder and the open mind of an explorer.

Explore new opportunities and experiences.

Instead of No, say Yes. Why not?

When this card comes up in a reading, ask yourself:
  • When were you last curious about something? Did you ignore the feeling or embraced it to experience something new?
  • What do you need to be more curious about in your life? You could draw an additional card to find out.
  • How has curiosity affected you in childhood? How does it affect you as an adult?
  • Has curiosity at any time got you into danger? If yes, when and what’s the story? How was it resolved? What did you learn from it?
  • Likewise, when this card comes up in a “what not to do” position, you may want to avoid being nosey, e.g. meddle in other people’s issues that are none of your business.
And curiosity isn’t about being reckless, ignoring your inner alarm bells ringing, getting yourself into danger or gamble all your life savings…

The Cosmic Journaling Oracle is now available as a digital edition together with a guidebook containing journaling sheets and other printable goodies.

Warmest wishes,

Christiane 🦄

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling