The Pages in the Tarot are the children of the court card family.
They symbolise new beginnings, inexperience, youth (and the young at heart), enthusiasm, playfulness, naivety, curiosity, immaturity and potential.
They are similar to the Aces, but whereas the Aces represent the purest energy and root of their suit, which can turn into anything, the Pages are trying to get a handle on the energy of their particular suit.
For example, in the Pentacles suit, the Ace might symbolize an opportunity for money coming your way (without specifying how), while the Page would represent efforts to make more money, learn a new skill, or find a new job.
Unlike Aces, Pages also tend to indicate personality traits and more practical advice, which is reflected in their association with the element Earth.
Astrologically, just like the Aces, the Pages are also each assigned to a mix of zodiac signs indicating their individual traits and potential.
Pages can represent people, events (often appearing as messengers), energies surrounding a situation or personality traits.
For my Tarot deck, I have chosen flowers to represent the Pages to symbolise their link to the element Earth. Also I feel that flowers express the fragile nature and vulnerability of the Pages.
The Page of Wands is a red poppy. The red poppy is a bold, vibrant flower first appearing in Spring, which is the season linked to the suit of Wands based on the Golden Dawn tradition.
In magickal tradition, the red poppy symbolises creativity and imagination.
In the blandness of a wheat field, poppies stand out with their bright red colour, which represents the personality of the Page of Wands - confident, energetic, courageous, a bit noisy, seeking attention.
Esoteric Title: Princess of the Shining Flame; the Rose of the Palace of Fire; Princess and Empress of Salamanders
Astrological attribution: Cancer, Leo and Virgo
Elemental association: Fire of Earth
Characteristics and personality traits:
Energetic, eager, sociable, fun loving, restless, creative, courageous. Can be impulsive, reckless; sometimes finding it hard to concentrate and focus; short attention span; over-confident.
The quote chosen for the Page of Wands reflects her pioneering urge to explore new territory, get-up-and-go attitude and love for adventures.
The Page of Cups is a water lily. The water lily is an elegant and fragrant flower growing in still waters in temperate and tropical places around the world.
Water lilies flower in the Summer months here in the Northern Hemisphere, the season linked to the suit of Cups in the Golden Dawn tradition.
Water lilies are associated with spiritual enlightenment and symbolise purity, pleasure, peace, celebration and sexuality.
Esoteric Title: Princess of the Waters; the Lotus of the Palace of the Floods; Princess and Empress of Nymphs and Undines
Astrological attribution: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Elemental association: Water of Earth
Characteristics and personality traits:
Sensitive, gentle, shy, quiet, artistic, dreamy, introvert, affectionate, loving, intuitive. Can be over-emotional at times, vulnerable, gullible and escapist.
The quote chosen for the Page of Cups reflects her urge to explore the emotional realm and trying to make sense of the vast array of mixed and confusing feelings and emotions.
The Page of Swords is a Dandelion. The yellow flower of the Dandelion transforms into a seed ball that blows into the air.
Dandelion grows from Spring right through to late Autumn, the season linked to the suit of Swords.
It is often regarded as a weed due to its profusion, but it is actually a very useful plant and entirely edible.
The yellow flower of the Dandelion symbolises communication, clarity and intelligence, whereas the white seed ball symbolises cleansing, space and new beginnings.
Esoteric Title: Princess of the Rushing Winds; Lotus of the Palace of Air; Princess and Empress of Sylphs and Sylphides
Astrological Attribution: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces
Elemental association: Air of Earth
Characteristics and personality traits:
Alert, intelligent, rebellious, truth-seeking, independent thinker, innovative, detached, argumentative, cutting, rash, defensive
The quote chosen for the Page of Swords reflects her urge to explore and discover the truth, cutting through deception and being honest without fear of conflict.
The Page of Pentacles is a snowdrop. The snowdrop is the only bulbous flower amongst my Pages.
Ornamental bulbous plants like the snowdrop used to be prized possessions and therefore symbolise wealth and status.
The snowdrop flowers in winter, the season linked to the suit of Pentacles. It is a symbol of new growth, hope and resilience, because it thrives even in the coldest conditions.
Esoteric Title: Princess of the Echoing Hills, Rose of the Palace of Earth, Princess and Empress of the Gnomes
Astrological Attribution: Aries, Taurus and Gemini
Elemental association: Earth of Earth
Characteristics and personality traits:
Practical, dependable, nurturing, loves nature, eager to learn new skills and crafts, building and making things, getting hands dirty, sensual, hedonistic, stubborn, obsessive.
The quote chosen for the Page of Pentacles reflects her willingness to invest time and effort into work and learning new skills in order to create security and abundance.
I welcome your views and opinions on my cards. Please feel free to leave your comment below.
Warmest wishes,
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