Aces in the Tarot represent the purest energy and root of each suit.
Numerically, they are connected to the Magician (the symbols of the four suits are often displayed on the Magician's table in traditional Rider Waite style images), which emphasizes their magickal power of potential.
Indeed, in the Book T publication by the Order of the Golden Dawn, three Aces drawn in a reading suggests riches and success, whereas four Aces indicates great power and force.
In readings, the Aces signify potential, a gift or an opportunity relating to their individual suits.
It is up to the person the Aces are drawn for to accept the gift, seize the opportunity or set out and fulfil the potential.
Aces are positive omens of change and new beginnings. They can be described as seeds in need to be sown and nurtured to be brought to fruition.
Astrologically, they have not been assigned each to a specific planet or zodiac, but according to Lon Milo DuQuette's Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot as seeds they contain a mix of elements in order to have the ability to germinate and manifest.
The mix of elements is represented by the zodiac signs each Ace rules.
Ace of Wands - spark, inspiration, bright idea, natural force, rush of energy, creativity, ambition, aspiration, passion, imagination
Esoteric Title: The Root of the Powers of Fire
Astrological attribution: ruler of Cancer, Leo and Virgo
Interpretation: being inspired to turn a dream into reality; inspiring others, expressing yourself; nurturing your talent and creative skills, planning a new business venture; confidence; optimism, enthusiasm, eager to succeed, making an effort, going for it.
Image: the candle symbolises the divine spark, the inner light, the burst of energy, creativity and passion.
Ace of Cups - love, intuition, pleasure, fertility, emotions, happiness, empathy
Esoteric Title: The Root of the Powers of Water
Astrological attribution: ruler of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius
Interpretation: following your heart; expressing feelings, pouring your heart out; tuning in and developing psychic abilities; being receptive; following a hunch; possibility for new love or a relationship is growing; bonding with someone; being compassionate and showing empathy; forgiveness; radiating love.
Image: the fountain symbolises unconditional, perpetual/eternal love and the overflowing of love, feelings and emotions
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