Sunday, September 1, 2013

Reading Reversed Cards

reading reversed cards, ten of swords reversed

My retreat holiday has been such a wonderful experience, but it's also good to be back, and I'm diving straight into Tarot with a question my students keep asking me:

Do we need to pay attention to reversed cards in readings?

Some readers do, others don't, and to be honest it is down to personal preference.

Here's what I do:

In a reading, I usually make a mental note of any reversed cards and then turn them around

I cannot leave them upside down for visual reason; topsy-turvy images block my reading abilities.

It depends how many cards are reversed in a reading. I once had all ten cards in a Celtic Cross spread for a client reversed!

Immediately I thought there was a blockage somewhere in the client's life, perhaps an inability to move forward with something, which was confirmed when I mentioned my first impression at the beginning of the reading.

Needless to say I turned all the cards around and proceeded with the reading and took the message of the reversed cards into account.

I don't like the term "ill-dignified", which is also used to describe reversed cards. Not every reversed card has a negative meaning.

For example, the Hanged Man reversed could indicate movement after a time of stagnation, or the Ten of Wands shedding of a burden rather than carrying it. It also depends very much on surrounding cards in the reading.

I often feel that just one reversed card in a 5 - 10 card reading can be more significant than many reversed cards. Again, this also depends on surrounding cards and what your intuition is telling you.

Sometimes, a reversed card can stick out like a sore thumb, and it can carry a more meaningful message than if you ignore it.

When reading reversed cards, consider the following:

Do they -

  • enhance the overall message of the reading?
  • weaken or oppose their upright meanings?
  • strengthen the meaning of other cards in the spread?
  • indicate a blockage, restriction, suppressed energies or indeed out of control energies?

Here are some examples for reversed card meanings:

Five of Wands: getting over a dispute, an argument getting nasty, not playing by the rules, quick temper

Emperor: loosing control/authority, being over-bearing, dictatorial

Tower: a disaster avoided, or something is brewing underneath the surface

Sun: burn-out, restricted creative potential, over-indulgence, hedonism

Ten of Swords (image above): on the way to recovery, releasing fears/pain/ resentment/regrets; starting over, inability to see that something has ended

Four of Pentacles: spending beyond your means, risky investment, becoming more generous with money after a time of frugality

Queen of Cups: over-emotional, drama queen, moody, insensitive, highly strung, easily stressed

When reversed cards come up, ask an empowering question such as:

  • What is the card asking you to avoid?
  • Every cloud has a silver lining. What is the silver lining of the reversed card?

As mentioned before, it is not vital to read reversed cards; you can consider both positive and negative aspects of the cards in a reading regardless which way they come up.

But once you get the hang of reading reversals and paying attention to them, you may well get some additional, valuable insight you wouldn't have considered before.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Monday, June 24, 2013

Zodiac Tarot Cards Journaling Sheets

zodiac tarot cards journaling sheets

The 12 signs of the zodiac are linked to 12 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot.

We all know our sun signs, but an astrological chart based on your date, place and time of birth also reveals your moon sign and ascendant (rising sign).

Once you have determined your zodiac signs' corresponding tarot cards, you can explore the dynamics of the different aspects of your personality by using the visual cues of your cards rather than just astrological glyphs.

If you are new to combining tarot with astrology, then my zodiac tarot cards journaling sheets will help you make a start with your self-exploration and learn to include astrology in your tarot work.

Even if you only know your sun sign at this stage, the handout will still prove useful to explore personality traits and work out your zodiac lessons.

Originally published on my Journal Blog last year, the zodiac card information is now collated in this handy document.

It also contains images of 12 cards of my Tarot of Quotes and extra space on each page, so you can add your own notes.

⭐You can access this 13-page PDF handout on my Ko-fi page for free⭐

And if you would like to delve deeper into Tarot astrology, then please check out my Starlight Tarot Astrology Course.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Five Effective One-Card Tarot Readings

What can you see in the Chariot image? Universal Tarot © 1990 US Games

If you're just starting to explore the Tarot, it's best to avoid the 10-card Celtic Cross spread and begin with simple yet effective one-card tarot readings.

Pulling just one card from your deck can reveal a lot about your surroundings. It can also provide insights into your personality, habits, strengths, and weaknesses.

Here are five ways to read one tarot card and get instant, meaningful messages:

1. Calculate your year card. It offers you some insight on the energies and overall theme that will be influencing you during the course of the year. 

Do the same for family and friends to get to know the cards and discover what might be in store for them over the year.

2. Calculate your personality card. This card will give you some ideas on your life lessons and purpose in this life; another great one-card reading to try on your family and friends.

3. Discover your persona card. Find out which court card is linked to your sun sign and explore your court card personality. 

This is a good way to acquaint yourself with the often tricky court cards, so make sure you also practice the persona card reading with plenty of people you know.

4. Do a daily one-card draw. You can either pull a card in the morning to see what may come up for you during the day, or you can pull one in the evening for the following day. 

Record them on a chart like this, and after a week analyse the cards drawn for more insight: 

  • Which suit has come up most? 
  • How many Major Arcana cards? 
  • How many court cards and which ones? 
  • How accurate have your interpretations been?

5. Do a weekly one-card draw. If you are too busy for a card-a-day, you can draw just one card for the week ahead to offer you some insight on the energies you can expect over the forthcoming days. 

Use this journal sheet to record your interpretation and predictions you come up with.

For your daily and weekly draws, check out my ebook, The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook, for more easy tarot journaling spreads to help you gain confidence in your interpretations.

The more you practice, the more messages and insights you will receive from just one card.

Take your time when you look at the image, and let its symbolism speak to you: what kind of landscape do you see? What colours? Any people? Are they happy, sad, angry, alone?

Learn to notice the little details, and over time you will find it easier to interpret the cards without the help of a book.

For a beginner, larger spreads can be confusing, and a one-card draw is the ideal starting point for simple yet insightful tarot readings.

Warmest wishes,

Christiane 🦄

Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reading Negative Cards in Positive Positions

reading negative cards in positive positions ten of swords

Sometimes the messages received from the Tarot can be confusing.

For example, you want to know what your strengths are in a certain situation, and the answer you get is the Ten of Swords.

You were hoping for something encouraging and inspirational, but all you got was that disheartening card of someone lying stabbed in the back on the floor.

But let's not panic, Astrology to the rescue😄

Once you know the astrological attributions linked to the cards, you can see more than just the image.

For the Ten of Swords it's Sun in Gemini.

What does Sun in Gemini tell us about the Ten of Swords?

Positive aspects of the sun: vitality, clarity and confidence.

Positive aspects of Gemini: versatile, curious, social.

So, when exploring your strengths or asking which qualities you need to develop in order to resolve an issue successfully, you now have a few options to choose from.

Zodiac and planetary attributes can also offer more specific interpretations of the cards.

Here are some suggestions for the Ten of Swords:

an ending leads to clarity; curiosity will attract new opportunities; social interaction will increase confidence after a blow; an ending is a blessing (sun) in disguise; you have the energy to lift yourself up and recover; resilience...

Let's take a look at other negative cards:

the tower tarot card

The Tower is linked to Mars, which in turn is also the ruling planet of Aries (The Emperor).

Positive traits: courage, decisiveness, challenging, energetic, pro-active, competitive

Positive card meanings influenced by Mars:

taking drastic action to achieve a goal; having the courage to face danger (extreme sports, a fire fighter etc.); confronting an adversary; implementing a radical overhaul or self-improvement program, e.g. diet, exercise etc., ability to see new possibilities beyond the destruction...

death tarot card

Death is linked to Scorpio, which is commonly connected to "sex, death and taxes".

Positive traits: compassionate, intense, independent and determined. Its ruling planet Pluto suggests the ability to regenerate and overcome the unsettling process of change.

Positive card meanings influenced by Scorpio:

clearing the old to bring in the new; spiritual growth through acknowledging and tackling emotional issues; searching for deeper meaning and purpose; making sweeping changes to rejuvenate a relationship; sex therapy or an intense sexual experience...

five of pentacles tarot card

The Five of Pentacles is linked to Mercury in Taurus

Positive aspects of Mercury: communicative, expressive, intelligent, thoughtful

Positive aspects of Taurus: disciplined, organised, reliable, steadfast, methodical, affectionate

Positive card meanings influenced by Mercury in Taurus:

being pragmatic at times of adversity; self-reliant; a thorough, hands-on approach to overcoming obstacles; willingness to work hard to achieve success; eager to create stability...

The Devil is linked to Capricorn and also to Uriel, the light bearer, one of the four arch angels.

Positive traits: down-to-earth, ambitious, hard-working, rational, resourceful and loyal. Its ruling planet Saturn also suggests responsibility, patience and an ability to strive despite adverse circumstances.

Positive card meanings influenced by Capricorn:

being disciplined at times of hardship; plodding through and not giving up; taking matters seriously; in relationships loyal and care-giving even when going through a rough patch; realistic expectations...

three of swords tarot card

The Three of Swords is linked to Saturn in Libra.

Positive aspects of Saturn: disciplined, responsible, reliable, endurance

Positive aspects of Libra: fair-minded, cooperative, sincere, striving for harmony

Positive card meanings influenced by Saturn in Libra:

determination to restore harmony out of discord; alleviating anguish with an objective mind; mourning with dignity and self-composure; ability to cut your losses and move on...

At first glance it can be difficult to see the positive aspects in negative cards, especially when they are placed in positions relating to possible strengths, skills, talents, helpful qualities and inspirational guidance.

Remember that there are two sides to each card - positive and negative - and with the help of their astrological attributions you can discover them.

Why don't you give it a try with the following cards, and let me know how you get on:

The Hanged Man - Neptune

Seven of Swords - Moon in Aquarius

Eight of Swords - Jupiter in Gemini

Nine of Swords - Mars in Gemini

Ten of Wands - Saturn in Sagittarius

Five of Cups - Mars in Scorpio

If you would like to learn more about applying astrology to your tarot readings, then check out my Starlight Tarot Astrology course.

Warmest wishes,


Connect with me on:

Substack - Live more Magic

Medium - Simplify your Life

Ko-Fi - Creative Tarot Journaling

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Meaning of the Aces in the Tarot of Quotes

the meaning of the aces in the tarot

Aces in the Tarot represent the purest energy and root of each suit.

Numerically, they are connected to the Magician (the symbols of the four suits are often displayed on the Magician's table in traditional Rider Waite style images), which emphasizes their magickal power of potential.

Indeed, in the Book T publication by the Order of the Golden Dawn, three Aces drawn in a reading suggests riches and success, whereas four Aces indicates great power and force.

In readings, the Aces signify potential, a gift or an opportunity relating to their individual suits.

It is up to the person the Aces are drawn for to accept the gift, seize the opportunity or set out and fulfil the potential.

Aces are positive omens of change and new beginnings. They can be described as seeds in need to be sown and nurtured to be brought to fruition.

Astrologically, they have not been assigned each to a specific planet or zodiac, but according to Lon Milo DuQuette's Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot as seeds they contain a mix of elements in order to have the ability to germinate and manifest.

The mix of elements is represented by the zodiac signs each Ace rules.

Ace of Wands - spark, inspiration, bright idea, natural force, rush of energy, creativity, ambition, aspiration, passion, imagination

Esoteric Title: The Root of the Powers of Fire

Astrological attribution: ruler of Cancer, Leo and Virgo

Interpretation: being inspired to turn a dream into reality; inspiring others, expressing yourself; nurturing your talent and creative skills, planning a new business venture; confidence; optimism, enthusiasm, eager to succeed, making an effort, going for it.

Image: the candle symbolises the divine spark, the inner light, the burst of energy, creativity and passion.

the meaning of the ace of cups in the tarot of quotes

Ace of Cups - love, intuition, pleasure, fertility, emotions, happiness, empathy

Esoteric Title: The Root of the Powers of Water

Astrological attribution: ruler of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Interpretation: following your heart; expressing feelings, pouring your heart out; tuning in and developing psychic abilities; being receptive; following a hunch; possibility for new love or a relationship is growing; bonding with someone; being compassionate and showing empathy; forgiveness; radiating love.

Image: the fountain symbolises unconditional, perpetual/eternal love and the overflowing of love, feelings and emotions

the meaning of the ace of swords in the tarot of quotes

Ace of Swords - truth, knowledge, mental/intellectual force, clarity, adversity, justice, punishment, afflictions

Esoteric Title: Root of the Powers of Air

Astrological Attribution: ruler of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Interpretation: exploring new knowledge; discovering the truth, gaining clarity; applying logic, reason and analytical skills; acting with integrity; fighting for justice and what is fair; being honest; overcoming obstacles; recognising illusions and the reality of a situation

Image: the upright sword symbolises clarity of mind, spiritual brightness, a whirling force for justice and truth.

the meaning of the ace of pentacles in the tarot of quotes

Ace of Pentacles - material gain, prosperity, growth, stability, power, nature, nurturing, establishing, working

Esoteric Title: The Root of the Power of Earth

Astrological Attribution: rules Aries, Taurus and Gemini

Interpretation: flourishing, efforts rewarded with material gain, tangible results, working with nature; being grounded and realistic; using common sense; building a secure base/support system; increasing assets; starting a regular job; looking after your health; nurturing family life; investing into a secure future.

Image: the open door to a hidden garden symbolises opportunity for new growth, a gateway to prosperity and stability; trust and good faith despite uncertainty of the unknown amidst the security of the surrounding walls.

I welcome your views and opinions on my cards. Please feel free to leave your comments below.

You can view all images of my Tarot deck in the Ko-fi Gallery

Warmest wishes,


Check out the Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook